I love working on films. I use my creative skills to help with costume design, set design, writing, shooting (video/still), directing, and craft services too! Mainly my husband, the Actor/Writer/Director, comes up with a topic he wants to explore and off we go. See selected films that I have had a hand in below.
Director, Face Me, Session 6, Surrender, 2022
(In the festival circuit so I will post the link shortly)
Costume, Craft Services, Katie’s Dog, 2018
Actor, Costume, Craft Services, Mrs. Honeycutt, 2015
Actor, Photography, Craft Services, Chairworks, 2013
Assistant Director, Craft Services, Lenny & Josh, 2012
Larry Evans and Susannah Hough on set. Release date August 2018. Director, Jim McQuaid.
Katie’s Dog
The film premiered at Peak International Film Festival, with award, and screened at Carrboro Film Festival in November 2018.
My role with this award-winning short film was as executive producer. I also contributed to the original story, set design, production design, costumes, budget, art direction and still photography.
As producer and art director I created the branding, posters and film festival materials. I assisted with production and editing for the film’s trailer.
The story is fiction and although not reflective of a true story known to us, a small part of the screenplay was loosely based on a real life experience of mine. With some script dialogue accurately written, it was an emotional and humbling moment when we were on set and I saw it playing out, not inside my head but out in the open, with real characters and a camera rolling.
Cast: Larry Evans, Susannah Hough, Jonathan King, Rachel McKay, Rianna Mallard, Rin.
One person's comfort is another's anguish. Parents struggle with a new reality. Two years after the unexpected death of their daughter on the eve of her wedding, Patty and Gerry find comfort in very different places.
Director: Jim McQuaid
Writer: Larry Evans
Editor: Larry Evans
Cinematography: K. James Peterson
Sound: Piper Kessler
Production Designer: Cyn Macgregor
Music: Kevin MacLeod
Executive Producers: Larry Evans & Cyn Macgregor
Still Photography: Cyn Macgregor