And The Winner is....

I was super excited to offer my first Instagram GIVEAWAY event leading up to Mother’s Day. I was also a vendor at Business and Professional Women’s Mother’s Day Market at the Mayton Inn, Cary, NC that weekend so I offered a GIVEAWAY there too! I know the two sister paintings will have lovely homes to go home to!

As in all Instagram giveaways, there are rules. Mine were: Like, Follow, and Comment (LFC) with a hashtag #artformom19. After the entry deadline, I took the names and ran them through a random generator. Since this was my first event and I didn’t have hundreds of entries, I used TextFixer and added the names manually. Easy-peasy!

I am excited to announce that the Instagram winner is @firstrefusal! Congrats!!

I loved doing this giveaway so much I am planning on making it an annual, regular thing.